Android the most important events during the week

Android system: 

the most important events during the week

This week saw a series of important on the level of the Android system news like Almsenai error of pen S-Pen in Note phone 5 and leaks about a group of smart clocks operating system Android, which will be launched during the IFA exhibition in Berlin next month and the expulsion of Amazon engineers responsible for the floundering Fire Phone Phone.

Samsung has faced criticism on the issue of pen S-Pen your phone Note 5 working system Android, which caused damage to the pen and the phone in the case of the pen input is wrong, which I think users defect to the phone manufacturers, and has become a case known as the "PenGate".

The response of Samsung, for its part that there is no defect manufacturers, users and user review that clearly explains how to insert and eject the pen correctly guide, and you do not talk about previous generations of Note series that did not suffer from this problem.

  • Amazon demobilization of the engineers responsible for the phone Fire Phone

The company laid off Amazon engineers responsible for phone Fire Phone because of the failure of the injury, is the Fire Phone failed all standards used by anyone.

The reports revealed that Ray users do and it is expensive compared to its services for users and the question remains after this failure Do you think Amazon will launch another phone in the future.

Lenovo will integrate smartphones department in the company with the Motorola company, in a move to end the handset division losses at Lenovo and helps the next merger to end the division between the two companies.

And work to integrate their experiences and their potential together and uniformly in the mobile phone sector operating system Android, and will give the merger a strong push for the brand Motorola to increase its strength in the mobile phone market and increase their profits, which reflected positively on the Lenovo.

  • Expect many smart watch launch at IFA Conference

Expected to do all of LG and Asus, Motorola, Huawei launched a new system Android smart hours during IFA conference in Berlin in September.

He expected that the companies did not put their clocks Smart Android operating system detects any details pertaining to these hours and merely rumors published on the subject without any official statement from them.

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