Malware system Android Developer Pleads Guilty in Court

Malware system Android Developer Pleads Guilty in Court

Acknowledged malware for the Android system known as the Culbertson Dandroed Morgan pleaded guilty in court, which was held last Tuesday, making it responsible for the federal charges related to the establishment of a system for malicious Android software developer.

Morgan Culbertson face imprisonment for up to a maximum of 10 years, in addition to a fine of up to $ 250 thousand, and the second will be sentenced in December.

  • Who is Morgan Culbertson

He is a student at Carnegie Mellon University at the age of 20 years of work to bite months as an intern in FireEye company where he improved his experiences in the ability to detect malware own system of Android through the discovery of new strains of malware and learn to use many different tools in this area.

The Morgan making Dendroid It is a malicious software designed to steal infected the users' information, and after its success in targeting the user's machine able Morgan to capture images using the infected phone's camera and can keep track of what is going on phone video and audio and video and can get photos and even record phone calls .
There are many Google Play store applications that are affected by this software, and the distribution of malicious software code on a large scale through a variety of means, making these malicious code is one of the most serious problems faced to the Android system.
Morgan and the sale of malware through its own forum Darkode and at $ 300, was introduced as the source code for sale, which would allow for the creation of private buyers Darkode their copies of software.

It was several months before the arrest of Morgan in process on a global scale, where the operation has put 70 suspects under surveillance and search and arrest, to be arrested in the end, Morgan and plead guilty in court.

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