Users of Apple computers are not immune to the risk of cyber attacks.

Kaspersky: Users of Apple computers are not immune to the risk of cyber attacks.

A poll conducted by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International revealed that Apple device users are exposed to electronic threats equally faced by users of other operating platforms, but they may sometimes be subjected to additional types of types of electronic attacks. Although security experts did not discover a big difference in the number of malicious software that threatens the security of OS X operating system, such as those experienced by other operating platforms such as Windows, it does not mean that Mac computers and data stored on them safe from infection with such attacks.

The poll showed that the proportion of 24 percent of Apple users who have taken from desktop computers and a key way to connect to the Internet and 10 percent of them favored the use of laptop computers, has reported a vulnerability to malicious software during the current year.

The poll showed that the number of collectors personal computers affected by these injuries higher by 32 percent, however, amounted to collectors devices "Mac" who have been subjected to attacks and malicious ransom, for example, but not limited to the proportion of 0.13 percent, compared with 9 percent of the users of devices running "Windows. "

A similar case of threats to the financial statements, it has been reported these cases by 51 percent of users of devices OS X and 43 percent of users of system services and Windows operating system.

The results of the poll that the devices "Mac" users are generally less aware of the size of electronic threats compared to their counterparts from the users of the equipment and the Windows operating system. For example, there are 39 percent of the collector devices "MacBook" did not hear or may be barely heard of the attack malignant ransom, while showing that 30 percent do not know anything about the malicious programs that are likely to exploit one of the gaps undiscovered in the drivers risk . After the comparison, it shows that among all the respondents, there is a 33 percent do not know almost nothing about the ransom malicious attack and 28 percent of them are not aware of their impact.

A survey shows that half of the devices "Mac" users are still ignoring the need to install internet security software on their computers, where 47 percent of the devices "Mac" and 59 percent of the desktop computer, "Apple" devices only equipped with such security solutions. In addition, when users of devices "Apple" to choose the security protection programs for their devices, is interested in a lot of them 41 percent of the price of the program in the first place, compared with 36 percent who are interested in the quality of the security solution in terms of its ability to detect that and prevent malicious attacks.

It comes in third in terms of the level of interest, the effect of that solution on the device performance by 33 percent. After comparison, it shows that the devices and Windows system users care about first place efficient solution in the detection of malicious software by 47 percent, while the cost of the solution comes in second place with 42 percent, followed by third place in its ability to prevent cyber attacks by 31 percent.

Said Peter Alichkin, director of marketing consumer products group, Department of emerging markets in Kaspersky Lab: "Computers live users of OS X system for a long time apart from the risks of cyber attacks, has been growing they have sometimes a feeling that they are immune totally against these risks, however, because of the witnessed the spread of cyber-attacks accelerated, especially in the scope of their operating environments in an unprecedented manner, it is important for them to be ready to protect themselves from those anticipated risks. In this regard, Kaspersky Lab recommends all Mac users and confirm they have to do install security solutions, as well as careful to follow the rules of safe behavior while they connect to the Internet. "

It should be noted that Kaspersky Lab designed Kaspersky Total Security for finished resolve the multiple allocated for domestic use, in order to protect different operating systems device users, including OS X against cyber attacks, where this solution provides reliable protection against malicious software, including malicious ransom attacks, and protection against financial risks through the use of Safe Money technology integrated.

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